Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It was a full but fun weekend this Memorial Day weekend.  We spent time with both families and had a very enjoyable time. 

We went up to Prescott on Friday for
Grandpa Norman's birthday, had a bbq and
yummy red velvet cake. 

The kids got to see brand new baby birds in a nest behind Grandma and Grandpa's bbq grill, but were also witness to the harsh realities of life, (momma bird got eaten *to put it mildly* by an animal and baby birds did not make it) and helped or rather watched Grandpa bury the birds in the backyard.  We had a fun day planned for Saturday, kite flying, playing at Josh's house, but for some reason we always end up going to Prescott when it's freezing cold (a whopping high of 61 in the end of May!)

Brinn behind the wheel

My view from the back

 We made it to Josh's for some 4 wheelin' and veggie hunting in their garden.  Brinn loved looking for and
picking peas. 

Everyone on...

Ok, now move where you're supposed to!

 Kite flying was the next stop, it turned out to be too windy and all we have to show for it are "owies"              
  Brinn tripped on the kite string, tried to take her foot off. 

We headed back down to the valley for a Memorial Day bbq with Grandma and Grandpa Luma.  We got to spend time with Leanne and the kids who are here visiting!! 
                                                                               Brinn loved playing with her cousins and had a good time getting into mischief with "Lucast" (as she called him). 
The girls in the pool, cooling off before lunch

The bbq spread.  Savor it now, because in just a few short minutes, this delicious food will be swarmed by tons of flies.  I am so bummed that I didn't get a picture of that catastrophy.  I think we spent more time trying to keep them off our food than actually enjoying it....ahh C'est la vie.
What a wonderful weekend, filled with lots of love and fun with family!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A little of this, a little of that

Family picture time...some old and some new.  I've been attempting to get a new picture of the 4 of us and Josh's graduation was the perfect time, but I wanted to put some of the great pictures we got last year as well. 
Thanksgiving 2011
(Daddy, Mommy, Brinn and baby Ellia who will make her debut in 3 weeks)

A cow fire hydrant, how fun!!  She loved this spot, with all the different painted hydrants, it was very cute. 
Great little spots in downtown Prescott, it still has some charm and Grandpa Norman did an awesome job with the photos, I love looking at them and want to replicate them now that Ellia is here.

We went up to Flagstaff for Josh's pinning on Thursday and were able to spend time with family, escape the valley heat and get a couple new family pictures, it was a great time (and might I add, that I am very proud of my little brother)....

Big squeeze from Brinn, lots of love!!
Daddy Kisses
We are still working on getting everyone to smile for the camera, I won't name names (ha ha ha).

Pace, Liv, Ellia and Brinn in Flagstaff

I can't believe that it's already May, the time is zipping by.  Ellia will be 1 before I know it.  Joe and I were talking about this on the way home from Flagstaff and I commented on how I don't want the girls to grow up, it's happening too fast.  Joe says "I want them to grow up, who else is going to take care of us when we're old"...good thing your thinking ahead luv!!  Just thinking about all this and how fast time is moving, makes me really want to try to capture more of the special moments while they are young.  More pictures, funny things that are said, and family memories.  Before I know it, these reflections and journals will be all I have left of their childhood.  Ok, enough of this before I start bawling. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

First name basis

Brinn and I are on a first name basis these days! For the past week or so mommy is only used under special circumstances, it's now "Aubby". "Aubby come here", "Look at me Aubby". It was cute and funny for the first couple of days but now I miss hearing mommy (I'll have to remind myself of this when I've heard mommy 100 times in one day).

She's also turned into a little momma, today she says to me "Are you being a good listener Aubby?". I kinda chuckled but she was so serious. This is just one example, she's tried to put me in time out, punish and tell the boys I watch what to do, etc. On the up side she's very sweet with Ellia, singing her primary songs and her own made up lullaby's, trying to calm her when she's crying, the love never stops. I love her independent, feisty spirit it makes her quite a character!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We were blessed with an early Christmas present!

Born 12/15/11 (11 days early) at 10:46pm
6lbs 12 oz. 20" long

It was quite a whirlwind of a day. I started having mild cramping early in the day but figured maybe it was just braxton hicks or a result of that mornings MD appt. When things began to pick up around 6 that night I figured we would be heading to the hospital sometime in the middle of the night or the next day, however 9pm rolled around and I knew we needed to go. Thank goodness we did because I was already dilated to a 7 by the time we got there and a 9 shortly after, preventing me from getting a full epidural, much to my dismay!! From admission to the hospital to Ellia's arrival it was an hour and a half! I think they were giving me flack (in the kindest way possible) for having waited so long to come in, but up until around 8pm the contractions were bearable LOL.

We came home that Saturday and are doing pretty well. Brinn loves her baby sister, wants to hold her a lot, touch her and just be near her. She seems to be very protective of Ellia too, wants others to be careful around her and doesn't like some people touching her or she is afraid people are hurting her (so sweet!!!). We have noticed some jealousy for attention, which was to be expected and I think she is confused about why I can't do some of the things I used to yet. Holding her and chasing her have been two of the biggest, not to mention my sudden times of crying. Thankfully and hopefully I will be back to normal soon-poor Brinn.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Abra Kadabra

The Luma family has re-appeared! It's been so long since I have posted anything, but I've decided to renew my commitment to my page as other means of communication can sometimes put me in a bad mood, sad as that is to admit. As it has been about 6 months, I am not going to try to rehash everything that has happened but will start fresh with maybe a few past highlights.

Brinn had her 2nd birthday almost 2 months ago. It seems so crazy that she is two already, where has the time gone. My little girl is growing up so fast. She's got quite a personality..she sometimes seems like 2 going on 10! I love everything about her and every minute with her despite the occasional frustrating tantrum. It has been a couple of the best years and I can't imagine life without her!

Joe has started coaching again he is working with the Freshman team at Williams-Field High and is gone quite a bit as a result, but his team is doing really well and he is enjoying it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

An Apple A Day...

Should keep the doctor away...not so in our case.  Brinn and I have both recently been to the doctor, although for good reasons. 
Brinn had her 18 month check-up and she is as healthy as a horse (assuming that's a good thing).
She weighed in at 23 pounds, putting her in the 25th percentile and measured 33" tall (75th percentile), she's our tall slender girl!  We made it out with only 1 shot this time and a reminder that she doesn't have to be seen until her 2 year check-up.  I know Brinn would have been relieved, if she could comprehend :-)

The second appointment of the week was my doctor appointment to confirm the upcoming arrival of BABY #2, which is due to make an appearance around December 27th.  Joe is absolutely ecstatic about having a Christams baby, more I think because family will be around to celebrate with us.  I on the other hand, already feel a little bad for the kid to have a birthday so close to such a major holiday.  However, due date aside, I am so happy and excited to have another sweet child in our home.  Brinn will be a great big sister, she is such a sweet, amazing girl. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sweat(drip, drip) Equity Continued.....
Here are some of the other pictures of the home that I've taken, decorations are still in the works, as we now have more space to fill, so it will take some time. 


This is the kitchen and the dining area, I love the table, it was my craigslist find and I'm very proud :-)

This is our front room, what you see as you enter our home, we have beautiful hardwood floors.  One of my favorite things throughout the house is the plantation shutters, it's fantastic. 

This room is the play/to be determined room.  Joe and I are in disagreement as to what to do with this room, so for the time being, Brinn gets extra space for indoor play.  We are and have been accepting suggestions!  Hahaha