Monday, February 21, 2011


It's official.....
The Luma's own a home!!  We got the keys to our new home on Friday and Joe and I started doing work on Saturday.  It feels great to be doing work on something that we own rather than rent.  It's also fun knowing that we can do whatever we want!!! 

Our first project was removing the popcorn ceiling out of two of the bedrooms, which was a bigger chore than either of us imagined, but with alot of effort (mostly Joe's) it was completed.  On to task number two...

We plan to do work on the interior, fixing cracks, replacing doors, painting, well as replacing the bathtub in one of the bathrooms.  There are also a couple tasks to the outside that will be completed.  This week will be fun and very busy.  Official move in date:  this Saturday-countdown begins!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Whose reading to whom?

For the past week or so, Brinn has been participating in reading time, more than just listening and pointing!  She is actually telling me what is on the page and what is happening before I read it.  She can also tell me what is going to happen later on in the book, usually it's just a word or two, but she remembers the story.  I am just amazed at her knowledge and intelligence, she is getting smarter every day. 


A few of her favorite words or phrases are "I snack", "I walk", and she is obsessed with babies and buses, anyone under 2 is a baby and she gets so excited.   She lights up as well whenever she sees a bus, especially the big yellow school bus!  She looks for them both everywhere, any sound she hears out the window is a bus.  :-)  I love my sweet girl, she is beautiful and amazing.