The Luma family has re-appeared! It's been so long since I have posted anything, but I've decided to renew my commitment to my page as other means of communication can sometimes put me in a bad mood, sad as that is to admit. As it has been about 6 months, I am not going to try to rehash everything that has happened but will start fresh with maybe a few past highlights.
Brinn had her 2nd birthday almost 2 months ago. It seems so crazy that she is two already, where has the time gone. My little girl is growing up so fast. She's got quite a personality..she sometimes seems like 2 going on 10! I love everything about her and every minute with her despite the occasional frustrating tantrum. It has been a couple of the best years and I can't imagine life without her!
Joe has started coaching again he is working with the Freshman team at Williams-Field High and is gone quite a bit as a result, but his team is doing really well and he is enjoying it.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
An Apple A Day...
Should keep the doctor away...not so in our case. Brinn and I have both recently been to the doctor, although for good reasons.
Brinn had her 18 month check-up and she is as healthy as a horse (assuming that's a good thing).
She weighed in at 23 pounds, putting her in the 25th percentile and measured 33" tall (75th percentile), she's our tall slender girl! We made it out with only 1 shot this time and a reminder that she doesn't have to be seen until her 2 year check-up. I know Brinn would have been relieved, if she could comprehend :-)
The second appointment of the week was my doctor appointment to confirm the upcoming arrival of BABY #2, which is due to make an appearance around December 27th. Joe is absolutely ecstatic about having a Christams baby, more I think because family will be around to celebrate with us. I on the other hand, already feel a little bad for the kid to have a birthday so close to such a major holiday. However, due date aside, I am so happy and excited to have another sweet child in our home. Brinn will be a great big sister, she is such a sweet, amazing girl.
Brinn had her 18 month check-up and she is as healthy as a horse (assuming that's a good thing).
She weighed in at 23 pounds, putting her in the 25th percentile and measured 33" tall (75th percentile), she's our tall slender girl! We made it out with only 1 shot this time and a reminder that she doesn't have to be seen until her 2 year check-up. I know Brinn would have been relieved, if she could comprehend :-)
The second appointment of the week was my doctor appointment to confirm the upcoming arrival of BABY #2, which is due to make an appearance around December 27th. Joe is absolutely ecstatic about having a Christams baby, more I think because family will be around to celebrate with us. I on the other hand, already feel a little bad for the kid to have a birthday so close to such a major holiday. However, due date aside, I am so happy and excited to have another sweet child in our home. Brinn will be a great big sister, she is such a sweet, amazing girl.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sweat(drip, drip) Equity Continued.....
Here are some of the other pictures of the home that I've taken, decorations are still in the works, as we now have more space to fill, so it will take some time.
This is the kitchen and the dining area, I love the table, it was my craigslist find and I'm very proud :-)
This is our front room, what you see as you enter our home, we have beautiful hardwood floors. One of my favorite things throughout the house is the plantation shutters, it's fantastic.

This room is the play/to be determined room. Joe and I are in disagreement as to what to do with this room, so for the time being, Brinn gets extra space for indoor play. We are and have been accepting suggestions! Hahaha
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sweat(drip, drip) Equity.....
THE LAST TILE(AHHH That feels good)!!!
And the finished product...........

I'm way behind on this blog, hopefully you'll see why. Joe and I started off the remodeling process by removing the popcorn ceiling from two rooms, and man was that work!! We didn't realize how hard it was going to be.
Dad and Josh came down to help with some repairs and changes to the house, it was a busy week, but fun and very satisfying. So thankful that they were able to come help, couldn't have done it without them!
We did work on the hall bathroom...put in a new tub and subway tiles :-)
Notice the rust around the overflow drain (it was bad) and outdated walls!!
Making progress...
THE LAST TILE(AHHH That feels good)!!!

TO BE CONTINUED................
Monday, February 21, 2011
It's official.....
The Luma's own a home!! We got the keys to our new home on Friday and Joe and I started doing work on Saturday. It feels great to be doing work on something that we own rather than rent. It's also fun knowing that we can do whatever we want!!!
Our first project was removing the popcorn ceiling out of two of the bedrooms, which was a bigger chore than either of us imagined, but with alot of effort (mostly Joe's) it was completed. On to task number two...
We plan to do work on the interior, fixing cracks, replacing doors, painting, well as replacing the bathtub in one of the bathrooms. There are also a couple tasks to the outside that will be completed. This week will be fun and very busy. Official move in date: this Saturday-countdown begins!
The Luma's own a home!! We got the keys to our new home on Friday and Joe and I started doing work on Saturday. It feels great to be doing work on something that we own rather than rent. It's also fun knowing that we can do whatever we want!!!
Our first project was removing the popcorn ceiling out of two of the bedrooms, which was a bigger chore than either of us imagined, but with alot of effort (mostly Joe's) it was completed. On to task number two...
We plan to do work on the interior, fixing cracks, replacing doors, painting, well as replacing the bathtub in one of the bathrooms. There are also a couple tasks to the outside that will be completed. This week will be fun and very busy. Official move in date: this Saturday-countdown begins!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Whose reading to whom?
For the past week or so, Brinn has been participating in reading time, more than just listening and pointing! She is actually telling me what is on the page and what is happening before I read it. She can also tell me what is going to happen later on in the book, usually it's just a word or two, but she remembers the story. I am just amazed at her knowledge and intelligence, she is getting smarter every day.
A few of her favorite words or phrases are "I snack", "I walk", and she is obsessed with babies and buses, anyone under 2 is a baby and she gets so excited. She lights up as well whenever she sees a bus, especially the big yellow school bus! She looks for them both everywhere, any sound she hears out the window is a bus. :-) I love my sweet girl, she is beautiful and amazing.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A little of this, a little of that
What a busy week it's been for us with more progress on the house. Brinn is also learning more and more everyday. She is starting to respond or make comments that are appropriate to what has been asked or what is going on, it's fabulous. Her new favorite food at the moment is raisins, she would consume box after box if allowed. She loves screaming NO at the top of her lungs (fiesty little thing!) and will sometimes use that word as a response for every question asked :-)
Here are a few pictures we've taken recently
Brinn's getting ready for morning prayer, when we say it's time for prayer she will fold her arms, for all of about 5 seconds then resume play, but is apparently paying attention because she will loudly add her Amen!
Just doing a little housekeeping!! She has become such a big helper around the house. She loves to help load and unload the dishwasher, throw things in the trash (including things that do not belong there) and sweep the floors. What more could a mother ask for :-)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Doctors and other fun stuff!
Yesterday was Brinn's 15 month check up and the results are in...She's a whopping 30 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile) and only 20.8lbs (10-25th percentile). As I was starting to tell the doctor that we do feed her and she usually loves to eat, he told me that it's pretty normal at this age to be picky about what they eat and there are times they don't even want to eat so not to worry too much. Plus the night before she was throwing up quite a bit, which he thinks had something to do with her low weight. So, it's back to the doctor in 4 weeks for a weight check, to make sure she's gaining. I do love this doctor though, he was so good with her, played with her and her "pooh bear" to distract from the not fun stuff, it was nice!
In other news...we just purchased a fridge today, woohoo!! It's really exciting, things are progressing pretty fast, but I'm still feeling stressed. It just seems like there is too much to do and I can't keep track, plus I think about all these other things that I'd like for the house that we can't afford (self-discipline test here). Such is life! :-)
In other news...we just purchased a fridge today, woohoo!! It's really exciting, things are progressing pretty fast, but I'm still feeling stressed. It just seems like there is too much to do and I can't keep track, plus I think about all these other things that I'd like for the house that we can't afford (self-discipline test here). Such is life! :-)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Change of address
Well, it's official, our offer has been accepted and we will be moving into our new home around February 18th!! We are so excited and know that we have been truly blessed. I will post more information later as the time actually arrives, move in pics, etc. There is so much to do to get ready, geez I'm getting overwhelmed already.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I have discovered that Brinn has at least two fears, aside from her usual jumpiness, two things make her cry: windshield wipers and flying insects-bees and flies to be more specific.
This sad sight, all because a fly landed on her blankie!!!
Joe's first day at the new job was yesterday-yipee, a delightfully entertaining day of paperwork and orientation essentials. Good thing this stuff only lasts a few days, at least he was sent home equipped with a nice company laptop, too bad it's just for work. :-) So now Brinn and I have to get used to Joe being gone all day again, what will we girls do with ourselves :-) One downside, is that by the time we get home from our nanny job, there is not much time for Brinn to spend with Joe, which makes me sad, it will take some adjusting time.
A new week, so many possibilities....
This sad sight, all because a fly landed on her blankie!!!
It was quite tragic. Alas, the fly was punished and happiness resumed.
It was a fun filled weekend, packing in non-stop family time before Joe started his new job. If we mention "go", "walk" or "ride", Brinn grabs her shoes or slippers and heads for the door. So, we took another trip to the zoo, which Brinn seems to enjoy, especially the special kids section, although the petting zoo can be scratched off the list for a few more months at least. Brinn loves kitties, birdies and cows and can even tell you what a cow says-just mentioning a cow makes her smile.
Joe's first day at the new job was yesterday-yipee, a delightfully entertaining day of paperwork and orientation essentials. Good thing this stuff only lasts a few days, at least he was sent home equipped with a nice company laptop, too bad it's just for work. :-) So now Brinn and I have to get used to Joe being gone all day again, what will we girls do with ourselves :-) One downside, is that by the time we get home from our nanny job, there is not much time for Brinn to spend with Joe, which makes me sad, it will take some adjusting time.
A new week, so many possibilities....
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy New Year!
January 4, 2011 (oops almost typed 2010)
Ahhh, the new year. A time for reflection and resolutions. Of course the only public resolution I am going to make is to attempt to keep this blog least then others can hold me to it...hahaha.
2010 - It has been a trying and emotional year for the Luma family, but in all honesty I wouldn't have skipped it. It was comprised of a big move, with some tears and lots of memories, we said farewell to Morgantown, WV and drove across the country (again). As much as I wanted to be closer to family, it was a great two years and it will be very much missed! We had awesome adventures and amazing friends and it will forever be one of my favorite experiences!!!
Joe graduated from West Virginia University getting his Masters degree and after taking a break from full-time employment has found a great job doing something that he has wanted to do. He will be coaching basketball at Mesa Junior this Spring, which he is so excited about it.
I've enjoyed staying home with Brinn and watching her grow. I've also started a job as a nanny, watching a 9-year old boy after school, it has been a fun experience and it's great that I am able to have Brinn with me. They have learned to get along well, although it took some time in the beginning (hard to share attention when you're an only child). I've also got some projects in the works, hopefully they will come to fruition.
Brinn is 14 months old now and growing like a weed. She is getting smarter and smarter by the day and her knowledge just amazes me. She is saying more words all the time and is exerting her independence. She is definately in charge in this family.
We have been very blessed this past year and I am looking forward to this upcoming year, it will be a great one!! Thanks to everyone for their love and support. We love you all!
Ahhh, the new year. A time for reflection and resolutions. Of course the only public resolution I am going to make is to attempt to keep this blog least then others can hold me to it...hahaha.
2010 - It has been a trying and emotional year for the Luma family, but in all honesty I wouldn't have skipped it. It was comprised of a big move, with some tears and lots of memories, we said farewell to Morgantown, WV and drove across the country (again). As much as I wanted to be closer to family, it was a great two years and it will be very much missed! We had awesome adventures and amazing friends and it will forever be one of my favorite experiences!!!
Joe graduated from West Virginia University getting his Masters degree and after taking a break from full-time employment has found a great job doing something that he has wanted to do. He will be coaching basketball at Mesa Junior this Spring, which he is so excited about it.
I've enjoyed staying home with Brinn and watching her grow. I've also started a job as a nanny, watching a 9-year old boy after school, it has been a fun experience and it's great that I am able to have Brinn with me. They have learned to get along well, although it took some time in the beginning (hard to share attention when you're an only child). I've also got some projects in the works, hopefully they will come to fruition.
Brinn is 14 months old now and growing like a weed. She is getting smarter and smarter by the day and her knowledge just amazes me. She is saying more words all the time and is exerting her independence. She is definately in charge in this family.
We have been very blessed this past year and I am looking forward to this upcoming year, it will be a great one!! Thanks to everyone for their love and support. We love you all!
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